середа, 12 грудня 2012 р.

Спільні пологи. Мій досвід. Інструкція для чоловіків.

Я двічі «народжував» спільно з дружиною. Що можу сказати…
Насамперед, хочу сказати про тих, хто НЕ ХОЧЕ народжувати разом з дружиною, щоб одразу їх відсікти і вони не читали.
Не хочуть народжувати з дружиною три типи людей:
1. Ссикуни (не чоловіки за внутрішньою природою), які бояться себе, своїх дій і взагалі, як би чого не сталось. Горе дітям, які мають таких батьків, та горе дружинам з такими «чоловіками».
2.   Ідіоти. Ті, в кого не вистачає мізків зрозуміти важливість допомоги, або ті, які думають, що так краще, або їм хтось сказав, що так краще. Зазвичай їм безглуздо щось пояснювати. Хоча… Лишається варіант, коли дружина, чи «авторитет-друг» скажуть такому, що треба йти і скажуть що робити. Тоді, так, може бути певна користь. Але загалом таким не варто читати блог «Мудрі думки». Це не допоможе, лише викличе агресію.
Сюди відносяться і ті, хто не хоче з «релігійних переконань». Це - найбільш небезпечний підвид ідіотів. Такі можуть вбити все людство, не те, що людину чи дитину, якщо тільки будуть вірити, що цього хоче Бог. Більшість з них, щоправда, сподівається і вірить, що Господь від них цього ніколи не забажає, інакше вони його оголосять дияволом, але є й ті, які вірять, що треба коритись усьому. В будь-якому випадку питання не в Господі, а в вірі ЛЮДЕЙ. А це дві ВЕЛИКІ різниці, що заперечується релігійними фанатиками. Так от, часто зустрічав ідіотів, розум яких був не таким сильним, щоб протистояти певним обставинам, які штовхнули людину в людську релігію (ні в якому випадку не до Бога, а саме в людську релігію, хоч ці ідіоти вірять що це одне й те саме). В цих нещасних розум може й був би досить сильним, щоб прийняти правильне рішення і як чоловіки вони сміливі, якби не релігія. А так, вони просто відключають свій розум і гасять свою волю. Тупо підкорюються певним не Божим, а релігійним правилам. При цьому я зустрічав деяких, які самі собі придумували… Не релігію власну, але, так би мовити, релігійні догми. Вони - не християни, не мусульмани і не буддисти, просто вірять, що Бог є. Але в силу певних, гадаю, страхів, дитячих комплексів чи випадкових обставин, вбили собі в голову, що Господь чи Природа проти того, щоб вони допомагали дружині при пологах, що це певне «таїнство» і природа чи Бог покарає за порушення табу таїнства. Н-да… Вони вважають це життєвим принципом і навіть намагаються пишатись цим… Н-да.. Число ідіотів, слабаків та психічно покалічених величезне. Про останніх - таке.
3. Психічні каліки. Хтось колись (зазвичай в дитинстві) наніс їм травму. Або це була мама, або випадково вони стали свідками чогось. Коротше кажучи, в них певні «особливості» психіки, які проявляються у її «нестабільності» коли, наприклад, вони бачать кров, або коли небайдужій їм людині боляче. Звичайно, нам усім не байдуже коли небайдужій нам людині боляче. Але у психічно здорових в цьому плані людей є певні психологічні механізми, які все ж допомагають співвіднести волю, потребу, власні негативні відчуття і незважаючи ні на що вчиняти так як треба, а не так як може хотіти  психіка. Тобто, коли ми бачимо, що наша дитина зламала ногу треба приймати швидкі і правильні рішення, щоб допомогти ДИТИНІ, а не САМОМУ в психічному колапсі губитись в просторі і часі. Можуть бути інші психічні каліцтва, які в пологовому не дозволять навіть розумному і справжньому чоловікові бути з дружиною. Ці випадки не заслуговують на засудження, порівняно з попередніми двома. Цих людей шкода. Вони ні в чому не винні. Інша справа, що теоретично, певними тренінгами це можна зкоригувати, але все ж таки тут є і межа і є певні складнощі (час для цього, грощі, потрібні фахівці тощо).
Отже, якщо Ви не ссикуни, Вам вистачає мізків зрозуміти, що пологи це Вам не зуб вирвати, якщо Ви не релігійні маразматики і у Вас нема якихось психологічних каліцтв моя розповідь – для Вас. Ви, мої читачі, ті хто просто не задумувався ще над цим, або навіть якщо і задумувався, то сумнівався, не знав як це і що…
Лише Ви – слухайте!
ОДНОЗНАЧНО!!!!!!! Однозначно народжуйте разом з дружиною. Не важливо, що я Вам тут скажу. Не важливо, який досвід я Вам передам. Не важливо, що Ви з цього запам’ятаєте. Все це не має ніякого значення. Матиме значення ЛИШЕ ОДНЕ – Ваша присутність коло дружини. Звичайно, якщо Ваша дружина – одна з вищеперечислених категорій і сама не хоче, щоб Ви були поруч, або Вона просто не вірить у Вас, не любить, не довіряє… Ну.. Я тут нічим не допоможу.
Але, якщо вона як і Ви просто не знає, просто налякана, переживає сама і просто боїться ще й за Вас, то тут, однозначно, для Вас пункт номер один – будьте для неї впевненими як чоловік. Продемонструйте їй впевненість не в тому, що Ви знаєте, що там буде і що Вам робити. Продемонструйте впевненість в тому, що Ви будете з нею і нічого не злякаєтесь, що Ви будете з нею як скеля, надійне плече друга, якому вона може довіряти і на якого може покластись, якого може попросити про будь-що. Продемонструйте, що Ви готові стати їй чоловіком до кінця: "і в житті, і в смерті", і в хворобі, і при такому абсолютно природному процесі як пологи. ПОВІРТЕ мені, після того, як вона відчує Вашу підтримку, Вашу чоловічу силу і впевненість, Вашу надійну опору тоді коли їй буде дуже важко – Ваші акції підуть лише вгору. Ви отримаєте новий рівень стосунків. Якісно більш глибокий. В принципі, Ви самі, може, десь здогадуєтесь, як зближаються люди, які переносять спільно щось важке в житті (по книгам, фільмам  – війна, подорожі тощо). Я спрощую, щоб не розписувати всі психологічні особливості на сто сторінок, але сподіваюсь суть Ви вловлюєте.
Ніколи не бійтеся, що цей крок якось Вас з дружиною відштовхне. Але тут важливо от що. Важливо, щоб дружина була не проти Вашої участі. Хоча, звичайно вона може боятись, переживати за себе і за Вас. Але тут вже Ваша робота. Вселіть їй впевненість ще до пологів що Ви – скеля, що ви надійний тил і їй не треба буде за Вас переживати. У вас обох завжди буде чудовий прийом – Ви в будь-яку хвилину зможете піти. Тобто чоловік. :) Дружина нікуди не піде, поки не народить. Але Ви (чоловік) - не замкнений в клітці звір. Тому, якщо раптом відчуєте, що Вам кепсько, що Ваша психіка на межі чи вже за межею, що Ви зараз почнете, щось не те "чудіть"… Завжди зможете вийти і навіть повинні (там не буде часу і кому займатись ще й Вами).
Тільки заздалегідь про це домовтеся з дружиною. Так вона Вас зрозуміє і буде Вам вдячна навіть за спробу, навіть за Ваше бажання, за все що Ви встигнете зробити. ПОВІРТЕ мені - це теж неоцінено. І ця Ваша спроба буде заслуговувати на повагу серед інших сильних, мудрих та психічно здорових чоловіків. Ви все одно будете ГЕРОЙ і Ваша допомога буде корисна - стільки скільки Ви зможете. Але ще раз повторюю Ви маєте демонструвати впевненість йти з дружиною на будь-що і через будь-що. Тільки так. Якщо Ви цього не відчуваєте – заникайтесь в кущі, в пивному барі чи церкві.
Це вже інша справа, що Ви там, в процесі, зрозумієте, що впевненість Вас покидає і Ви зламались, що це занадто. Це тоді Ви зможете покинути дружину - ПОПЕРЕДНЬО домовившись про те, що якщо Ви внутрішньо зламаєтесь – то підете (не соромно піти, і бути чесним перед дружиною, зробивши все що можеш, соромно не піти і брехливо робити перед нею вигляд мужнього і сміливого). Але доки Ви будете з дружиною вона має бути впевнена у Вас БІЛЬШЕ ніж у собі. Образно. Коли зламаєтесь просто вона Вам буде вдячна, що Ви були СКЕЛЯ скільки могли, а коли не змогли – не стали створювати їй і собі проблем. Це – розуміється і поважається. Але ще раз кажу до того, поки Ви не зламались всередині ззовні Ви - "скеля надійності". І не важливо, що Ви знаєте чи не знаєте. Питання не в знаннях, а в рішимості допомогти.
Це перше з основного, що я хотів сказати.
Друге. Повірте, щоб там дружина не казала, прикриваючи себе чи Вас (для Вас треба зрозуміти кого і чому) їй БУДЕ ПОТРІБНА допомога. ЦЕ СТОВІДСОТКОВО!!! Не думайте, що там збіжаться медсестрички, лікарі і санітарки, які будуть крутитись довкола неї, переживати і допомагати їй. По-перше, нічого подібного ніколи не буде (в них – інша робота). По-друге, навіть теоретично, якщо Ви заплатите мільярд доларів якійсь санітарці і вона буде намагатись «частіше» навідуватись, до Вашої виючої від болі дружини, повірте мені вона - чужа людина. ЧУЖА. Сподіваюсь Ви розумієте це без детальних психологічних пояснень.
Це два основних моменти, які потрібно знати чоловікові, щоб прийняти рішення про спільні пологи.
Є ще невеликий момент… Дехто десь читав, що начеб-то, в когось знизився сексуальний потяг до дружини після пологів. Не бійтесь цього. Звичайно, певний відсоток такої ймовірності може бути, але знову ж таки тут питання в тому, до чого Ви готові. Вас ніхто там не тримає. З іншого боку шансів, якось зіпсувати сексуальне життя саме «спільними пологами» у Вас не багато. Взагалі сексуальне життя це така сфера, де можна боятись багато чого. Наприклад, взагалі вагітності. У Вас не зменшився потяг коли дружина завагітніла? Або коли вона буде годувати дитину при Вас грудьми. Як тоді? Тут треба подумати, взагалі що на Вас вплине. Може Вам взагалі не слід мати дітей і залишитись на рівні «зустрічання, закоханості і трахання п’ять разів на день». Може не слід прагнути дорослого кохання, вагітності, дітей та всіх клопотів пов’язаних з цим… а то раптом… сексу стане менше… А? Я Вам так скажу. Вовка боятись – в ліс не ходити. Боїтесь жити – не треба було народжуватись, або хоча б одружуватись. Нормальні чоловіки можуть не паритись. Все буде гаразд. Ви самі знаєте, що секс з роками набуває все більше іншого окрасу ніж при закоханості вчорашніх студентів. Він набуває більшої довіри до партнера і глибини. Це вже більше спілкування тілами, а не трахання геніталіями. І спільні пологи лише збільшать між вами рівень довіри. Це позначиться на сексі, але далеко не в гіршу сторону. Сподіваюсь Ви мене розумієте, або зрозумієте потім. Зрештою, знову ж таки, ніхто Вас не примушує дивитись як розсувається вагіна і вилазить голова дитини. Ви там не для кінозалу, а для допомоги дружині, тому концентруйтесь на ній. Вагіною займуться інші. Що Вам робити під час пологів напишу нижче.
Підемо далі. Останній момент найдрібніший – знання. Що, як, коли, де. Ну… З одного боку Вам можуть допомогти курси, які при жіночих консультаціях. Там дещо розповідають про спільні пологи, роль чоловіка. З іншого боку може Вам допоможе мій досвід. А з третього боку я Вам так скажу. Навіть, якщо Ви прийдете в пологовий будинок тупим бовдуром, який нічогісінько не знає – там швидко навчать і персонал і Ваша дружина. Я Вам поясню. Справа в тому, що, насправді, при переймах (по москальськи – схватках) Ваша допомога зводиться до трьох речей: 
1.     Масаж низу спини. Вам пояснять, що розтираються хрящі таза (він розсувається перед пологами). Коротше при цих процесах дуже допомагає певний масаж певних двох ділянок. Вам покажуть де саме натискати. В принципі дружина сама теж відчує де їй стає легше і сама направить Ваші рухи. Одна порада «бувалого» - не перестарайтесь від любові і власної сили :) Пам’ятайте, що перейми можуть тривати декілька годин (3, 6, 8, 10, 12 і так далі). Тут все індивідуально і залежить від того, які за рахунком пологи, фізіологічні властивості організму мами тощо. Тому, якщо Ви одразу своїми залізними пальцями «витисните» біль на початку, потім коли біль стане сильніше і Ваша допомога стане ще більш затребуваною – Ви просто вже не зможете доторкнутись до дружини, бо вже так їй там натисните, що боляче вже буде тупо від Ваших рухів. Тому чередуйте і рухи і місце і силу. Краще на початку дуже легко. Ну.. тут лише досвід… 
2.  Дихання. Настане момент, коли масаж вже ніяк не допомагатиме. Перед пологами єдине, що буде втримувати дружину від розпачу, розклеювання перед біллю – дихання. Треба буде концентруватись на вдоху через ніс та видоху через рот. Не часті, а намагатись тримати певний контрольований ритм. Пізніше можуть бути інші варіанти дихання – Вам персонал підкаже. Тільки концентрація на диханні допоможе Вам протягнути далі «контрольовано», та без «очей навикат». Ваша участь тут може бути подвійною.
По-перше, можна дихати спільно. Тільки дихайте по-чоловічому, а не як сопля. Тобто дружина має відчувати, що Ви - сила, за якою їй буде легше йти. Не вона має Вас вести диханням, бо не Ви народжуєте, а Ви - силою і стабільністю, контрольованістю свого дихання маєте вести дихання дружини. Вона буде триматись за Ваше дихання і витягне сама. Не переживайте - Ви підлаштуєтесь. Спочатку, може, підіть за її диханням, поки зрозумієте як їй треба дихати, а потім коли вона вже не зможе його тримати і буде зриватись – тут Ви і допоможете своїм диханням. Головне відчуйте, що Ви маєте її заспокоїти. А заспокоїти під час піку переймів Ви можете не якимось дебілізмом: «ти гарна, все гаразд», а силою свого дихання і владою над нею, над її болем, над її силою. Ваша сила, має бути поводирем для її сили.
По-друге, Ви можете командувати: Диши! Вдох! Тримай-тримай! Видох! Ти молодець! Ще! Вдох! Не поспішай! Видох! Молодець. Ще раз! Давай-давай!
При цьому тримайте її за руку (долоню), щоб вона могла стискати Вашу руку. Це не обов’язково, і сенс тут не в руці чи долоні. Ви можете її обнімати за плечі, важливо, щоб їй на психологічному рівні передався Ваш контроль над ситуацією, Ваша сила, щоб вона відчувала що вона не кинута напризволяще зі своїм болем, а що Ви міцно, а точніше впевнено, «психологічно» тримаєте ситуацію під контролем. Звичайно, що можна як прийом суміщати командування та власне дихання. 
3. Інша Ваша допомога: подати води, довести до туалету (вибачте за деталі, але навіть витерти їй попу. Повірте, те, що відчуватиме вона Вам і не снилось, і вона просто може бути не в змозі зробити те, що за звичайних обставин робить кожний. Думаю, в цей момент вона з радістю б з Вами помінялась – щоб вона Вам попу витирала, а Вас – всередині розривало на «фашистський хрест» кожні пару хвилин, так що..  Ну… Ви мене не зрозумієте, поки там не опинитесь…), довести до душу, покликати медсестру чи лікаря і так далі. Я Вам так скажу, скажено допомагає теплий душ на низ живота. Але теж звичайно до певної межі. Але ОДНОЗНАЧНО рекомендую! М’яч, на якому сидять, теж допомагає, хоч на мій погляд, все ж дещо менше ніж душ. Але теж корисна річ. Лежати чи стояти? Ну тут за бажанням дружини. З одного боку стояти може бути легше зігнувшись, а з іншого боку лежачи ви зберігаєте більше сил, крім того ноги менше втомляться, а це дружині дуже буде потрібно під час самих пологів.
Тепер пологи. Пологи це дещо інший процес ніж перейми. Точніше, геть інший. Власне, тут Ваша роль зменшується (але НЕ ПО ВАЖЛИВОСТІ) до того, що Ви маєте тримати дружину за руку, можна нахиляти їй голову вперед, під час потуг, або втримувати голову після потуг, витирати піт з чола, казати дружині в моменти відпочинку між потугами гарні слова: ти зможеш, все в тебе получиться, ти – молодець, в тебе все получається, ми це зможемо, я тобою пишаюсь! І так далі... Знову ж таки зазирати у вагіну для Вас не обов'язково і дружині на це теж начхати. Не випробовуйте свою психіку, якщо не впевнені.
Звичайно, все може йти або відносно легко, або можуть перейми супроводжуватися крапельницею, а самі пологи, або «щипцями», або й кесаревим розтином. Ну… Тут справа така. Звичайно, при кесаревому розтині Ваша присутність не обов’язкова. При «щипцях»… Ну, тут як в кого які нерви. В принципі, персонал, від гріха подалі, просто може Вас вигнати в цей час. А якщо все природнім шляхом, то в принципі все буде гаразд. І ще…
Дружині може бути дуже боляче після самих пологів, коли треба буде вичистити матку, або якщо її треба буде дещо «підштопати». Так що тримайте її за руку. Вона може кричати. Будьте готові
Взагалі не кричіть самі, нікому не заважайте і ідіотських питань лікарям не ставте. Взагалі зникніть для них. Вони не мають Вас помічати. ПОВІРТЕ мені – вони професіонали, принаймні, в порівнянні зі мною з Вами. Так що не задрочуйте їх. А то виженуть і будуть праві. І взагалі, краще вони будуть спокійні і холоднокровні. А Ви свої нерви, психи і «кваліфікацію» тримайте при собі. Вони все знають краще за Вас. ПОВІРТЕ, ніхто Вашу дружину не катує, ніхто за Вас ніколи не забуде і так далі. Нема там ніякої недбалості, склерозу чи нерозуміння. В них, таких гоблінів, що народжують по два-три на день. Може більше-менше, в залежності від пологового. Так що, більше, ніж вони роблять Ви їх не примусите зробити, а от ПОМИЛИТИСЬ їх, РОЗНЕРВУВАТИ. О так. Це ви можете. Ви – ж всемогучий самець! Але задайте питання - воно Вам, чи Вашій дружині треба?
Щодо того, щоб «домовлятись» з кимось з лікарів про пологи… Ну.. Дивіться самі. Я можу Вам пояснити, але просто вже облом писати… Ну.. Ладно спробую коротко. Я в своїй молодості більше двох років пропрацював санітаром в операційній хірургічного відділення. Був на тисячах операцій. ПОВІРТЕ, лікар чи медсестра коли працюють в рані, шиють кишки чи видаляють легеню, ніколи не думають: а чи заплатив нам цей пацієнт. Це просто психічно і фізично неможливо для них, навіть якби вони і хотіли. Не та професія і не та ситуація. В них зовсім інші клопоти під час операції. Гроші можуть певну роль зіграти. Але, наприклад, коли операція не зовсім.. ну… Наприклад, коли в дитячій лікарні роблять операцію дорослому чи навпаки... ну.. Коротше кажучи коли операція не зовсім «правильна». Тобто або її треба робити в іншій лікарні, або, наприклад, як обрізання з релігійних міркувань… Ну як тут.. Показань для хірургічного втручання нема… Ясне діло батьки – релігійні фанатики платять і... Але знову ж таки це дрібні операції. Може бути ще така ситуація, що батьки чи пацієнт захотіли косметичний шов (наприклад, для дівчини на животі після апендициту чи грижі), а не наче мішок заштопали, то можуть приплатити, щоб хірург зашиваючи вже шкіру покорячився більше. Хоча він взагалі може це передоручити  інтерну-асистенту чи навіть сестрі.
Коротше кажучи, якесь значення гроші можуть мати. Але не принципове. Більше значення мають гроші при лікуванні. Препарати. О, так. Вони можуть бути дуже дорогі.
А при пологах… Мета персоналу – результат. Чи думаєте за мертву дитину їх по голівці погладять? Власне кажучи, позитивний результат (жива дитина та мама) для них це рутина, стандарт. Вони налаштовані виключно на нього. Це доведено до автоматизму і ніякі гроші ні в той ні в інший бік це не змінять. Інакше вони просто не змогли б там працювати.
Крім цього, Ви самі подумайте. Лікар відчергував зміну, тільки приїхав додому, ліг спати, а тут Ви дзвоните – їдь знову на пологи, бо я тобі заплачу. По Вашому Ваші гроші зможуть швидше відновити його сили та концентрацію? І знову ж таки, згадуючи свою роботу в операційній можу сказати, що не завжди (часто – навпаки) лагідний з пацієнтами лікар – найкращий професіонал. По різному буває, але на лагідність і ласку до паціентів точно орієнтуватись не слід.
Можна пробувати домовитись приймати роди на дому. Є й такі фантазери. Але ПОВІРТЕ – це ризик. Точніше, ризик усюди є, але Ви збільшуєте ризик. Пояснювати не буду.
Коротше. Вирішуйте самі. Це не критично, але я не раджу. Краще заплатіть нормально (повну суму) за палату і купіть подарунки відділенню (спирт, пластир, вату, краплі для очей дітей, рідке мило, ватні палички чи ще щось. Можете, якщо Вам так пре від щастя купити їм дорогий чай чи каву. Можете, звичайно, і по мерседесу для всього пологового. Вони проти не будуть. Це ТОЧНО! Це питання Ваших можливостей та жлобства).
Щодо палати. Не знаю як у Вашому місті, але палата має бути індивідуальна. Бувають палати зі столом для пологів, бувають - без. В принципі це великого значення не має. Коли приспічить, то пройти 10 метрів буде не такою проблемою, порівняно з усім іншим. Ми народжували і там де стіл був окремо і там де він був в палаті. Тут більше значення має сам стіл. Чесно скажу, мені не сподобався радянський. Хоч спочатку він складає враження такого серйозного і «справжнього», «дійсно медичного», але в реальності не дуже зручний, особливо для ніг та рук. А це буде дуже важливо при пологах. Інший стіл в нас був, мабуть, імпортний. Грубо кажучи - дві доски і все. Якось не серйозно. Я навіть переживав, що він буде не зручний (не буде за що триматись). Але виявилось, що він саме те, що треба і для рук і для ніг. Так що… Але стіл теж не головне. Не влаштовуйте істерики через стіл. Головне – сили мами, розкриття шейки матки до потрібної межі (10 см), Ваша підтримка, ну і інші можливі обставини, які не залежать ні від Вас ні від дружини, принаймні, вже в пологовому залі.
Ось в принципі все.
ОБОВ'ЯЗКОВО народжуйте спільно. Не всі! А лише ті, хто до цього готов, а я вже писав хто це. Навіть ті, хто готов дійти до лише певної межі але впевнено і мужньо. ЙДІТЬ! Зрештою можете на самих пологах не бути, а провести дружину до пологового залу. Побути лише під час перейм. Власне пологи тривають хвилини – 10-20 хвилин. А ось перейми… це да… Будьте мудрим, сильним та психічно витривалим настільки НАСКІЛЬКИ МОЖЕТЕ. Пологи - це випробовування і для Вас і для дружини. Просто по різному. Але взагалі не піти, «закосіть» з якихось «святих» міркувань… ну… Таких просто треба каструвати. Єдина гідна чоловіка відмовка – таке психічне чи фізичне каліцтво, яке ніяк йому не дозволяє бути ні на якому етапі, дійти ні до якої межі. Але це має бути каліцтво, чесно усвідомлене і Вами і дружиною, а не трусость чи космічна «теорія про високі матерії».
Останнє. Коли Ви будете там, на «передовій» і Вам, раптом, в якусь мить здасться, що Вам «важко», що може краще було залишитись вдома і подивитись фільм чи постояти на колінах в церкві подумайте про те, що Ваші «душевні страждання» - НІЩО, порівняно з тим, що відчуває Ваша дружина, і через що їй ще належить пройти. Ви – жодного фізичного болю не відчуєте. Ще раз кажу, народити це Вам не зуб вирвати. Так що допомагайте їй, витирайте їй попу і дякуйте подумки Богу, що Ви - не жінка! Не виключаю, що якщо Ви пройдете пологи до кінця, Ви станете дещо іншою людиною, зрозумієте в цьому світі і житті дещо більше і глибше.

понеділок, 3 грудня 2012 р.

Англомовний варіант статті "Пастка людства або кінець історії «звіро-людей»", виданий перекладачем Гугла. Потребує глибокої редакції та правки.

 Якщо хто може буду вдячний за редагування. Синів позначатиму відносно відредаговану частину. This article is bad translate (google) from ukrainian text on this site. HELP for translate from ukrainian to english. I try to make translation better, and mark my  attempts by blu colour. For contact with author right on cleverboy@ukr.net.

Trap humanity or the end of history "beast-men".

1. Trap

Hitler. What occurs in this word? What images? Bad man who lived long ago? Tyrant? Holder of crazy ideas? Culprit great war? Hater of Jews?

Something on that list closer, something further from the truth. Tyrant? But who was terrorized by this small man in stature? Obviously, only a naive person can not understand that Hitler was a favorite and hope of millions. Directly in the Nazi party proudly joined millions (even in 1933 the number of direct Nazi Party in Germany was - more than 2.5 million members), and on elections in 1933 for victory of Nazis voted 43.9%. And despite the fact that the allies of nazis - NNNP for which voted  7.9% in 1933, nothing better was for Nazis. On the other hand this "a couple" opposing fans another, no less monstrous totalitarianism - Communists, for which voted 12.3% of voters in 1933.
But point is not only just in numbers. Not that the Hitler or Stalin, in itself, was little in what guilty. It is clear that their guilt - one of the ten millionth. There would not be they, there would be somebody else. What's the difference? People, millions of people required nazism, communism. And more precisely, they
required any totalitarian or at least authoritarian rule. A question is in other. Why?
The answer to this question lies not only in the field of political science and history and is associated not only our past but also the future, whatever it was.
The fact that something, or rather one human need that generated the fundamental features of totalitarianism of the twentieth century survived after the fall of these regimes and the return to democracy and a cult of "rights and freedoms of man". It is not just survived, but hid, got the first, though negative, experience, became wiser. And so, humanity might still be seen where grander ideas (and their implementations) than communism and nazism.
So what is gone and what was one of the most important elements of totalitarian modes of the twentieth century?
For the answer for this question we need to make a small but "thin" analysis of the development of human civilization.
Look. At first, people differed little from animals, went "naked and barefoot." But then, gradually, completing a "domestication" they learned to control the amount and types of animals and plants they need for food. Afterwards they began substantially to facilitate and in the end replace the manual labour work of technique. People perfected the habitations, dressed, and everything else, becoming as much as possible the most independent of any natural conditions, requirements and impacts. We can say that held enormous so-called material evolution.
In addition, people gradually changed and their social life. It also took evolution, which can be so called - social. People have realized that in order to increase their chances of survival will be useful police, government, legalized marriage, and generally the whole social structure, including the state, and consecrated her social forms of cohabitation. After all, it is in the social evolution of people came to democracy and modern capitalism, so to say, cultural liberalism.
As a result, humanity in its external evolution (physical and social), created in the new external conditions of modern life has reached so far that the modern journalist or engineer very remotely reminds the old relative who lived twenty thousand years ago in external form and way of life. But therein lies the trap, from which humanity has long and unsuccessfully trying to get out. A trap is getting deeper.
The point is that this journalist or engineer differs nothing from that distant cave-relative inside, in character, in instincts, in desires and weaknesses, in a manner and way of thinking, in all internal nature (both psychological and physiological). In fact, we - all the same cavemen. 
For us a desire to live, kill, eat, ability to go to sacrifice jealous, be greedy, seek something to explore, much better place in a cave, physical or aesthetic pleasures and all other instincts, reactions psyche, needs, fears, etc did not change not on a crumb.
Yes, of course, because of social evolution we forced ourselves (or we forced others) in external behavior to follow certain written laws and unwritten rules of behavior. But in fact, internally, we did not evolve along with our tremendous external evolution. We remained savages, animals. No more and no less. Inside - we still untouched and unspoiled wild nature. 
Let's face it. If, as a result of something modern social structure is gone  - the state and all that it regulates and supports, including state penal system, economic system and... Do you remember disaster movies about people remains after a planetary cataclysm? But, for me, the real situation is best illustrated in William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies". Children 5-14 years, who were on a desert island are a bunch of primitive savages, part of nature, which follows the natural animal instincts and desires. Just like their ancestors twenty thousand years ago. Today's children are themselves. They finally reach harmony of internal and external nature. Among them quickly soars tinsel of social evolution, which they put on through education and socialization but not yet put adults who external evolved.
Of course, the point is not In the flocks of primitive people. In fact, we must dig deeper. Because we - only animals, part of wild nature, that generated us. We in any way did not could and does not can and not able to be other. (Here I do not consider the theory of the "divine" origin of people with "divine" and thus distinct from the animal characteristics or essence prospects disappearance of sinners and the onset of the "kingdom of God on earth.")
In reality, all our external evolution that leads us away from nature, that our natural environment, with a wild, but natural and harmonious way of life, it is a trap. Our world-developed social organization and "high material culture" is not just more unnatural and not similar to the animal world, our home world. Our world has become antinatural, so that excludes nature. Or at most - a world that tends to leave nature to "reservations" in the form of protected areas, zoos, potted plants, pets.
But that's not all. We continue to constantly increase the gap between animal psychology, which we developed an over millions of years in the wild nature, the body with atavism of fish, and our external social and material antinatural world invented and built by us. After all, we ourselves become such monsters, "beast-men" of two different and often tearing us constituents.
And that from that? And with that, we have a situation that gives us constant, rising inner psychological conflict. Since then we have social apathy, self-destructive, apocalyptic mood, neuroses, and so on. A graduate of Columbia University, the American scholar Michelle Hoffman wrote: "It is believed that a person will become happy and psychologically, if it enough food if it has a roof over your head, if it stays after work enough power to have fun, if it are unlimited opportunities to acquire more and more things. But this logic can not answer the question why the most economically prosperous countries, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States, the highest percentage of people who experience constant psychological discomfort, which in many cases turns into mental illness ... Improving material conditions did not lead to a wealth of emotional and spiritual content, the faculty, the volume of existence."
One of Russia's leading scientists in the field of psychology of stress Sc.D., professor of psychology Yuri Sherbatyh explains the situation: "The source of many human stress is the discrepancy between the genetic programs that control his reactions in extreme conditions and social realities of modern life. In this case, we are confronted with one of the options for the manifestation of fundamental contradictions biosocial nature of man. "
    Unfortunately, this conflict and its consequences is rapidly progressing. The World Health Organisation has already compares depression epidemic that swept all mankind. Official site of the organization informs that in 2000 depression was the most important cause of disability and 4th for widespread of all diseases, but the situation is deteriorating and in 2020 it is expected that depression will come in second place among all diseases for all age groups, both sexes. This situation threatens to paralyze the economic life, especially in developed countries. The percentage of suicides that occur in the world, is growing steadily. According to the World Health Organization for 45 years since suicide rate in the world increased by 60%.
In this context, no one is surprised by the survey results, which show that the happiest people are the people who live in developing countries, relatively speaking, more close to nature, not high-tech civilization. For example, according to an annual survey by the Gallup International Research Center (Gallup International) in 2011, the country with the highest "happiness index": Fiji, Nigeria, Ghana, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Brazil, Colombia, Iceland, Finland. Remarkably, consider themselves unhappy and are "economic pessimists", for example, residents of countries such as the U.S. or Italy. Many other studies show that the more comfortable they feel people who live in villages or small towns than in large, technologically advanced cities.
But the conflict between the external and internal evolution of wild natural world of man not only makes us crazy, but increasingly threatens to become incorporated in a fatal material form. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of the Moscow Engineering Physics University Boris Rodionov, examining risks destroying humanity comes to a disappointing conclusion that "we live on the brink, and at any moment can ruhnuty this region." And one of the major threats he sees a horrible mixture of mental illness and high risks, which he calls "global suicide": "Mankind is losing the instinct of self-preservation, people are drawn to suicidal things. The mentality of people thinner, with "toys" in their hands are becoming more dangerous."
Now different scholars in different ways and under different criteria to evaluate the chances of survival of mankind. Scientists directly comprehensively exploring the prospects of humanity, rather critically assess our chances to survive the XXI century. Nick Bostrom (Nick Bostrom), Director, Institute for the future of humanity at Oxford University, speaking about the chances of destroying humanity in the twentieth century, claimed: "My subjective opinion is that would be a mistake to assume that the probability is less than 25%, and the highest score can be much more ... ". English astronomer Sir Martin Rees, author of "Our Last Time" (2003) determined the following probability of 50%. Approximately the same percentage (20-50%) support and other analysts.
We all consciously or subconsciously feel that we stand on the threshold of great change. Filmmakers like no other earning our anticipation apocalypse endless stream its films on the "end of the world." Writes Wikipedia: "the golden age of movie-disaster began in 1970." At the level of some governments, international organizations, universities and other "think tanks" are drawn unfavorable prospects for a more intellectual audience.
    No matter what specific scenarios disaster. Matter what the system, called the human population, in the form we know it must be destroyed regardless of our desires. Destruction is inevitable under the laws of the functioning of all the systems we have, unfortunately, can not get around. Each system tends to equilibrium. We can not indefinitely increase the imbalance by changing only one outer side of our existence, distancing and, ultimately, contrasting it with the other side - their own internal content. Finally imbalance becomes critical and self-destructive for the whole system, we observe an increase in the internal psychological preparedness system elements (individuals) to destroy the integrity of the human system as the background sharp increase of all anthropogenic threats (environmental, technological, military and other). On the one hand inevitable finale. But not everything is so simple and clear.
First, take a look at this imbalance of detail.
For example, social evolution. Modern democracy and capitalism "developed countries" as the main peak of social evolution is the maximum limit that can allow us inside wildlife. This is the most advanced possible form, which can somehow reconcile, or rather, force doomed to coexist, internal and external human world in the scale of humanity. Therefore Frentsis Fukuyama saw the current state of social evolution of the so-called "end of history" of humanity. He saw and named quite aptly, though not able to see the real causes and consequences of such an end.
Our internal wild and natural psychological essence has long hampered, rather contradicts further external social evolution. This contradiction in the "end of history" of humanity is not achieved "harmony." Facts and figures clearly show that this is a hell in which cooked our psyche, causing not only nervozy and apathy, but the subconscious or conscious desire to finally do away with all this "developed" world. Or at least their lives in it.
The gap with foreign social evolution gives us reason purpose. Ability to achieve goals gives the gap between the inner wild natural essence and external "high-tech" material evolution. We were "monkeys playing with a grenade." Our existence is increasingly threatened ecological, nuclear disaster or some kind of human nature, which in its own way, "material" formalize "end of history" of humanity. These threats are growing and numerically and qualitatively. To have long been known to add, such as those associated with the production of artificial human organisms. In 2010 a group of American scientists led by Professor Craig Venter (Craig Venter) managed to get a single-celled bacterium, which controls the behavior of the artificially created genome in 2011 for achievements in the same direction said scientists from the University of Tokyo. Or, for example, risks associated with the establishment in the near future artificial intelligence will surpass that of certain human performance (passing in the twentieth century, the so-called technological point sinhulyarnosti). Not by chance one of the authors of the universal programming language Java Bill Joy (Bill Joy) in 2000 in the pages of Wired magazine called collapse research in nanotechnology. And many, many other new global threats.
Details, methods and scientific possibility of human self-destruction does not matter. No future, no ones already available. Many people say (especially some environmentalists, evaluating existing human impacts on the planet) that we have pulled the check from grenades and now just waiting for doom to an end. Wait while watching the beautiful movie "An Inconvenient Truth" or "House" which provides hope that we "realize," "will stop" and dramatically, the abyss, change our behavior, psychology, whose age is not millions of years, and therefore - vryatuyemos and will live happily ever after.
Damage to disappoint, but this tale probably will not. We are who we still are. "Beast-men"! We unfortunately or fortunately, not like all the other animals (primarily through intelligence), and for a long time do not want vdovolnyatys given to us by nature or God harmony. We never cared about the scope and extent always put their own desires above the needs of other living or non-living natural systems. Were it otherwise, we would not have what we have and not gone so far in their international evolution. Therefore, vysmyknuvshy check with grenades, we will play with it until the last second.
And even here there is no reason to consider an additional small factor as a simple tendency of human psyche underestimate real dangers, what led so-called "cognitive distortions" whose presence proved experimentally scientists psychologists.
Oh no, we are doomed! If only ... If we did not have time to save what drove us into this trap.
We changed the outer sphere of life of the human population. We got the point where it is difficult and dangerous to combine animal psychological essence of the unnatural environment. But why do not we evolve us inside? Catch up inside the outer evolution and eliminate imbalances system.
Thus, we do not live in harmony with nature. And if need be? For thousands of years we did not feel this need. We have an alternative natural force that created a own world, destroying the natural harmony of the radical changes animate and inanimate. In this way, many came to believe that we can all nature is powerless against our genius, but God does not exist, or it is what we do "approved" by nature or God. There are opponents of such approaches, but now there is no reason included in ideological disputes. Scientific another question.
If we are "creators", then surely evolution in our hands, such effective tool that worked perfectly in the social and material dimensions, was absolutely powerless on our inner world? Only in the state we exist about ten thousand years, and the form of government as well as economic structure, not to mention the material world, have tremendous development directed us. So really, we have not even tried to create our harmony, our artificial unnatural world? Do not try to influence the inner world and also evolve it, pull the outer evolution?

2. "Psevdoevolyutsiyi"
Tried! And the first attempt linked to religion. And I mean not attempt religion "on his" to explain the world, no. I mean that people from the beginning of history, social evolution through religion tried, so to speak, to evolve the inner nature of man.
The beginning of that human social evolution that we finally severed from the animal life associated primarily with the advent of around 8-9 thousand years ago the state. Analogies in the nature of this system was not. She was artificially invented people and fundamentally different from natural "social" forms of life in the tribe (herd, flock, Pride, etc.), which before used as a primitive people and many animals.
Of course, before gradually beginning there was the gap between the inner core animal rights and the beginnings of external social and material evolution, driven people. But, obviously, that it was an invention of the state, the difference of the structure of natural samples were so large that the system of the human population first began to need significant correction for the "harmonization" of the system, caused by people leveling gap between internal and external nature. Keeping wildlife inside, brought billions of years in the wild, it was difficult to accept such an unnatural conflict-social form of life as a state.
     Chinese philosopher Lao-ji and his followers at the beginning of this path trying to promote the idea of
​​containment of the state and its differences from natural forms, limiting its elementary forms of social organization that existed before: one village - one state.
But for most of humanity deterrence own evolution has never been a choice. Therefore, at the very beginning of history, people have primitive, but in its original focus. They tried to correct the system to bridge the gap, "pulling" the evolution of internal to external.
     Using religion (and all the feelings that gave rise to a social phenomenon), for example, the Egyptians proclaimed pharaoh - a living saint, a living god on earth, that man is fundamentally different, "evolutionary higher" inner essence and nature versus all others. In China, where the supreme deity was considered sky, ruler called tyantszy (son of heaven). "Heavenly lord" gave tyantszy country - Celestial gave him and the people. So tyantszy owns Celestial because it gave him great deity, orders which he performs. Obohotvoryavsya also ancient Indian Raja, who was considered the epitome of eight deities - guardians of the world: the moon, fire, sun, etc.. Therefore, "like the sun, he burns eyes, no one on earth can not even look at it." Similarly, in the introduction to the Babylonian king Hammurabi's Law states that Hammurabi - "mighty king, the sun of Babylon, who made light of the country of Sumer and Akkad, was called great gods who gave him the people (" Blackheads ") and sent it to manage people ". In ancient Greece and Rome to stage small-government policies (the formula Las ji: one village - one of the state), the situation does not need such a bright form, but in the era of design in Rome empire arose the cult of the emperor as a living god.
    In other ancient peoples religion used in similar ways. This belief helped keep not evolyutsionovanyh "beast-men" in obedience to the unnatural apparatus, system, led principally efficient than they are people - the supreme ruler, as if he was not called. Later, during the Middle Ages, this "evolyutsionovanu", "God designated" quality spread to many entering class of so-called "noble", "nobility", "blue blooded people" in India is internal "evolution" obtained form the famous caste division and so on.
The trick is simple, but the whole problem is that it was psevdoevolyutsiya, ie attempt a real need to implement a system through deception. Because in reality, of course, no Pharaoh or graph does not differ from the most recent sailor in the latest ham. And once, in the course of history, it became increasingly evident, among wider groups sprang ridicule, mockery of such fake "evolution" in the end - the rebellion and finding alternative methods of political, social, economic.
However, by the end of the XVIII - beginning of XX century following searches were fruitless. The maximum that could offer people in moments of "attacks" protest (powerful uprising lower strata) is an attempt to replace frankly "neevolyutsionovanoho" ruler of allegedly "evolyutsionovanoho." That is - the "good" that their outstanding intellectual, volitional, spiritual qualities like was higher than many "neevolyutsionovanyh", "normal". But such faith and selection were too shaky.
Firstly, for "beast-men" and it was not clear what will happen transmitted power in case of victory. If again a false props of heredity title, then what's the point? Understanding this perspective is often at the beginning of the uprising turned into ineffective short-term surge of emotion.
Second, even if the heat of emotion was significant and rebels "beast-men" dumped "neevolyutsionovanoho" ruler and put "outstanding", "best", "sent by God", "top", apart from the problem further transfer of power they always needed "monitoring" this "evolyutsionovanoho" to support his own belief that he really is so. And this, after obtaining "evolyutsionovanym" power, because a number of objective reasons for the masses became difficult or impossible. Accordingly, the "beast people" destroyed the belief that they are not wrong. Appeared doubtful vtrachalas shaky available "legitimacy", the advantage of a variety of opponents, increasing decay of the "new government". After many "attacks", which originally ended in victory ended loss "evolyutsionovanym" supporters and government, or to a third person, or for the benefit, of whom just won.
Thirdly, even if the authority of such a "large" and "outstanding", which won the wave "attack" was enormous, clearly this "evolyutsionovana" quality is not transferred to the heir. So death "evolyutsionovanoho" leader had to rise again at the grassroots or otherwise seek "outstanding", which was in the country virtually impossible. Not to mention the fact that in reality, no elected in this way was not "above", "better", that was not evolyutsionovanym.
Therefore the twentieth century "beast-men" even "successful" popular uprisings eventually roll down to the old scheme of "the ruler" God anyone, and his "superiority" for the most formal title, which is usually transmitted hereditarily. Later, during the nineteenth century democracy. and especially the twentieth century. technical, organizational capabilities allegedly allowed all mass-rise called "elections" to choose "the best." But this idea soon died under a layer manipulation, public relations, political and technology show. All quickly lost the illusion that democracy ruled us one bit "better" for us. On the contrary, people are usually very skeptical about the moral qualities "elect" and policies in many cases become synonymous least insincerity.
So other options society "evolyutsionovanymy" people, even though at least one "ruler" humanity could offer. Not enough scientific basis and technical capabilities. Thomas More, Tommaso Kampanela and other utopians designed the "new society", in varying degrees, anticipating that they will create a "new people" but could not explain the mechanism of how to become the "new people" how to change, evolve inner essence, raise it to a "high", "conscious", "socially useful" lyudynolyublyachyy level.
Instead, acting for millennia props, focus on the fact that the rulers of the state - "people blue blood" is not by nature such as subordinates' beast-men ", despite its theatricality, not just existed and operated in the absence of viable alternatives, and and had a key to evolutionary (albeit falsely realized) feature - heredity achieved level.
It is fundamentally important. This feature is key, because based on the same logic improvements logic that we call evolution. In a typical definition of evolution means the sum of all changes in populations of organisms over generations, which is only possible if the transmission mechanism of acquired changes in the next generation (eg, genetically in biological evolution).
Social and material external evolution really had such a transfer mechanism made whole population level the next generation. This level was passed in the form of finished results, which could use the majority society and technology in detail their achievements, experience and use of social errors.
Unfortunately, on internal human evolution, the transfer of the achieved level for further change was possible only with the use of a biological mechanism that genetically, rather than using external physical audio-visual aids (voice, writing, etc.).
People, of course, for their own lives "udoskonalyuvaly" themselves in their own way. Someone along the way really, not fake becoming a "saint" in its own man as new. Such people could "climb" over the animal essence, to realize that it was not given to many, to rethink the meaning of existence, internally retrain or at least effectively restrain their instincts and desires, to reach other "internal innovation".
But this way was always dead, "impotent" because they do not have any relation to this evolution did not give any consequences not only for the whole human population, and even the descendants of the man who "evolved." All of this "new" even possible, so to speak, evolyutsionovana quality of dying along with its bearer. And improve and control it could also only the carrier.
It turned out that these changes did, including genetically impossible to pass. There have been attempts to convey this quality through education, but found that it works very slightly. Also, it depends heavily on teaching talent "evolyutsionovanoho." In addition, the important role played by other external factors and internal characteristics of the person who brought up.
In short, life has shown that even under the most favorable circumstances, still in the third and fourth generations of children completely lost their "holy", "new" money, which reached their ancestor and does not differ from the descendants of those who have this "evolyutsiyovanoho" ancestor had . They held their own, so to speak, psevdoevolyutsiyu from scratch. Note that we are talking about the most effective, as is the way, from parents to children by example parents. Other modes of transmission such psevdoevolyutsiyi, including through books and other physical media have even lower efficiency.
Internal changes within a single human life, are aimed at the man turned the entire human population no internal evolution in the traditional sense, but an internal, psychological "running in place."
For a long time the main attributes of this "running in place" were a variety of more or less detailed "instructions" from a moral psevdoevolyutsiyi like the Bible, the Koran, myths, fairy tales and more. Nowadays, the belief in the effectiveness and usefulness of such external "instructions" small. And these "instructions" significantly decreased, becoming a short personal "brochure", which contains samozredahovani own internal "moral codes."
In the scale of the individual compliance with such brochure entitles consider themselves "evolyutsionovanym" to the dubious level of "civilized" or "normal" person. In the scale of humanity, a "running in place" gives stable genetically and socially spadkovanyy zero inner level of the same cave "beast-men."
In contrast to this "run in place" consecrated religious focus of the "blue", "aristocratic blood" was an illusion though, but had a key to the evolution of the trait. By means of borrowed from biological evolution - genetic inheritance, the new generation of the ruling elite transferred ancestors achieved, and actually established a formal title, "higher", "evolyutsionovana", "elite" inner nature, as some psychological support rights management neevolyutsionovanymy "beast-men".
But, as already noted, this focus was only psevdoevolyutsiyeyu. In reality, no internal evolution is not happening. Character psevdoevolyutsiyi unlike true evolution reflected in the fact that the outside looked like evolyutsionovani state leaders "froze" on one evolutionary leaps, going one level - people with an internal "noble," "aristocratic", "chosen by God." More than this level has not changed and evolved. Which is understandable, since even the first level of such pseudo evolution was false. If the leaders of this falsehood also constantly "virtual" "evolyutsionovuvaly 'faith in her" beast-men "and at least nominal loyalty to power would be lost at the beginning. But humanity consciously or subconsciously did not make the same mistake. Though I offer a real alternative to this psevdoevolyutsiyi too could not.
    Gradually, education, communication (primarily due to typography), material wealth has reached such a level that evidence of false religious focus of the "chosen by God" rulers are not allowed to bear that cynical and ridiculous to many props. Moreover, the rulers of "blue blood", while not being a real evolution with time for yourself sp'yaneni stability of their status, power, money and impunity publicly behaved more and more "not noble", "not evolyutsionovano" and sometimes even worse subordinates "beast-men." That they accelerated the destruction of the social self-deception that lasted millennia. At the end of the eighteenth century people "blue blood", including monarchs, "beast-men" actively began to hack head shot, deny privileges. In general, the society began get rid tales of difference, "superior" people "blue blood."
In this process of social "epiphany" in a period called "Enlightenment" became popular obvious thesis of this natural equality of all men, because it turned out that, in fact, are all "beast-men." This thesis is embodied in the idea of ​​the political, social equality (democracy, equal rights for men), equal economic opportunity (capitalism), cultural freedom and so on.
A world built on fraud perished. Many delighted advent of truth, but quickly found that actually the truth is not so much happy as terrible.
It quickly became clear that the world is kept on deception and has existed for thousands of years was not an accident and regularity. Moreover in this world, at least outwardly system maintained balance. False, but the internal evolution pidtyahuvalas to external system and look consistent, harmonious, so that was orderly, predictable and stable. Without such social psychological self-deception, the chasm between the inner and outer natural human evolution, and nothing covered truth that we are all still cave "beast-men" did the whole system of human populations unstable, chaotic, unpredictable.
Demolition ordered to lie world, whose support was "evolyutsionovana elite blue blood" and the coming chaos ("freedom") world of truth "beast-men" caused tremendous upheaval in all areas. Democracy, capitalism in the late nineteenth - early twentieth centuries so frustrate management mechanisms of many states that a number of them simply disappeared (first Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Ottoman Empire). Others, feverish from uprisings, revolutions, demagogues, elections, wars of liberation, changes in government, economic crises and other disasters. While advancing the world of so-called "civil society", which in the words of the famous philosopher Georg Hegel, is nothing but a "war of all against all."
    It was at this time the freedom of economic, political opportunities, individual freedom (freedom of speech, freedom of thought, religion and so on) and the liberal mass culture bordering on permissiveness and immorality broken spine church and all declared "aristocratic" morality. In the best case broke thick and detailed millennial "moral instruction internal evolution" like the Bible in modern into small "tracts." At worst - promoted the cult of total pleasure, selfishness and lack of any moral restraints. Erich Frome wrote: "The dramatic changes that have occurred in the XVIII century., And called to life following the guidelines of economic behavior as radical hedonism and selfishness is limitless."
Remarkably, at this time fell naykatastrofichnisha epidemic in human history - a pandemic so-called "Spanish flu," which hit about 30% of the world's population and killed between 50 and 100 million people. or 2.7 - 5.3% of the population. It is possible that this is mere coincidence, but I think that the world is much more interconnected than we think.
So, at the beginning of the twentieth century, humanity has ended in complete chaos, destroyed all the political, economic, moral cores, social upheaval grew in all areas sprang the idea of
​​anarchism. Not surprisingly, these changes seemed to hear many harbingers of doom. In this situation, the system of the human population for self-preservation demanded quick replacement psevdoevolyutsiyi rejected. Sharply increased need to order a new "zharmonizovanyy" a world in which new people will live where the internal evolution of finally happen and will truly match the evolution.
Before this requirement embodied in an idea, I would say about two prerequisites that ultimately determined the shape of future ideas through which humanity has tried to bridge the gap, to balance the system and get out of the trap.
First, people in the middle of the XIX - early XX century. so believe in the omnipotence of its influence outside as nature (subjugation seemingly far beyond its reasonable natural forces) and social environment (making it possible through democracy and cook and miners to "manage" the state), who began to believe that the change in external environment, and somehow change themselves. This error late and inadvertently contributed quite correct conclusions biologists of the nineteenth century. (Charles Darwin and others) that evolution and change certain qualities in animals and plants is under pressure requirements of the environment.
    Secondly, due to many factors external material and social evolution (level of social organization, communication, education, general knowledge, etc.) to support (including armed) illusion of harmony with the inner world, the presence of internal evolution, it was necessary to constantly expand "evolyutsionovanyh ". So, if at first to justify social evolution, holding "dark" and superstitious "beast-men" in humility enough of a "evolyutsionovanoyi man" - Pharaoh king, then, had to extend the "evolution" in the strata of people "blue blood" . After all, when, and this "extended" "screen" is no longer retain "beast-men" who have ensured uniformity in all humanity grappled with the inevitable need to think as "evolve" is all.
Thus, at the intersection of these two conditions and after the destruction of tales about "people blue blood" and the naked truth about the cake, which were humanity in the nineteenth - early twentieth century, the then political thought and put forward the idea of ​​a totalitarian society with options Nazism and communism. In these modes, seemingly due to stay outside the new world will be born, or at least vyhovayetsya, the new man will be internal evolution across the entire society. And then, in turn, come new perspectives shape the economy and social life.
Different theorists like Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche laid relevant philosophical foundations. Thus, communism in this respect was more elaborate. First, he predicted that due to the ideas on the shoulders of fanatics "beast-men" rebuilt for new social reality - "socialism" to be only an intermediate step designed to evolution, the formation of "new people". And then these "evolyutsionovani" people will be able to further evolyutsionovuvaty outside world and build communism. It was with the advent of new people and the transition to communism, according to Marx, and start the real history of mankind. Humanity in the full sense of the word, as the harmonious combination of internal and external evolyutsionovanoyi essentially evolyutsionovanoho world, not in the sense of society "beast-men" that torn contradiction between animal and human essence external social and material environment. At this point, Marx believed lasts prehistory of mankind. And I would say that this is just a story "beast-men."
Communist ideologist Leon Trotsky in 1917, wrote: "Humanity, homo sapiens, which froze again goes on a radical processing and object becomes ... complicated methods of artificial selection ... Man set himself a goal to master his own feelings, instincts lift to the top of the minds, make them transparent ... and thereby elevate ourselves to a new level - a higher socio-biological type, if anything, Superman. " F. Nietzsche also some moments felt right general direction: "Man - a bridge between animal and superman." Or in the definitions used here can say that modern "beast-men" is a bridge, a transition link between animals and humans.
Of course, Nietzsche was indirectly related to Nazism. The main ideological foundations already laid the actual creators of Nazism. They searched, including by medical, research, genetic breeding attempts (idea SS) practical ways to create a "superman." Nietzsche thought so much about how exactly a superman, for it is so to speak the ideal man of the future, as stated already available, so to speak, the division into "masters" and "slaves" and called for the rule of "masters". That is, in fact, never discussed the implementation of the internal evolution and consolidation of some socially useful division of existing people, "the order of castes, the rank order - only formulates the supreme law of life itself; separation ... needed to support society in order to make possible higher and highest types ". The idea of ​​the practical implementation of the rank of division even more utopian than totalitarianism, but not about Nietzsche's language.
Consequently, the Communists and the Nazis tried to practice in harsh outdoor conditions evolyutsionovuvaty doing essentially "new man, which harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity, and physical perfection" (from the program of the Communist Party of the USSR in 1962). With totalitarianism is evolyutsionovana inner core would be identical, but externally controlled society, and thus able to upgrade by society, the real evolution. And at first many, even among ordinary people believed that this formula will work in the new social conditions and people will be different...
Of course, many of the early twentieth century., This threat of total interference in intact wild world of inner human nature bogey. But, for the system under the name of humanity, it gave hope to finally achieve harmony with the world. After the chaos and horror of democracy, which only destroyed the dream of a "paradise on earth" and gave a sense of hopelessness and despair intervention into the inner world of a man who offered totalitarianism gave hope for happiness, that the internal evolution which corresponds to the outer, and raises all mankind to further development at all possible. And people subconsciously get some peace, comfort, a sense of order and certainty, direction, faith in the "bright future".
Naturally, in the beginning, fanatics totalitarian regimes understand the need to exterminate those "beast-men" who are "not aware", "do not understand" and thus hinders new prospects and "real" history "real" humanity, his future happiness. Therefore, destroying opponents not from "bloodthirsty" and as a necessary measure. At least, so say myself and it is believed. It was necessary to "iron hand drive mankind to happiness" (popular slogan of the Russian communists in 1918-20s), so you should cross agonizing moral barriers to building a new world, where will the new morality. First, the "builders of a new world" had to sacrifice himself.
In the practical implementation of these ideas and have Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and other "dictators" and "leaders" who by themselves had largely to blame. These were just some people from the bones and muscles without zhodnisinkyh superzdibnostey. They were not over people superlyudmy. Only their fault - they could skillfully relayed and respond to the needs of millions who nominated them, supported and die for them. Now just walk the earth thousands, if not millions of potential and apparent Hitler, Stalin and other "leaders", but no shocks it is. There are other people with other views on the implementation of certain requirements, and therefore, other repeaters and implementers of these needs. And then ...
     Armed with all its ideological origins and evolved in the early twentieth century. totalitarian communism and Nazism embraces (besides terribly wrong and tragic ideas and practices) third attempt of mankind (after pharaohs and people "blue blood") to tighten internal evolution of man to the outside. Although you can count differently. It was both the first attempt to "evolve" a huge number of people with the intention of evolving humanity. It was the second option psevdoevolyutsiyi who kept on believing in the idea, but not practical scientific achievements. That is, first, religion supported the rule of pharaohs and people "blue blood" in traditional societies, then this same faith, now in a bright future, provided the dominance of the party in a totalitarian society.
So for many people the totalitarianism carried with him a chance, believing that we can not just go outside the cave, domesticate animals and plants, to build a state and publish the laws, but also cease to be savages, animals internally, stop deceiving yourself tricks or "run in place" and finally domesticate domestic "animals and plants" as our instincts, feelings and way of thinking, make the first evolutionary step. Here's what bore the among other things totalitarianism. I dream that was born of necessity!
This is another thing that these dreams melted and faith changed bitter disappointment. Because nothing has changed. It turned out that even in severest external totalitarian terror and control, with generous inner faith of the majority society in the possible internal evolution is still a man, even "naypartiynisha" and "nayideolohizovanisha" could not resist his genes, remained "beast-man" of primitive instincts frog or hlista and desires, emotions caveman. The idea appeared again psevdoevolyutsiyeyu. More precisely, it is possible that under ideal and humane new external conditions, indeed, by analogy with animals in nature, people would gradually change yourself at the genetic level. But such changes, as evidenced by natural evolution, need very many thousands, if not millions of years, that still makes the idea impractical, absurd.
Watching totalitarian society writer George Orwell wrote in 1948 a book entitled "1984" which attempted to answer the question under which conditions would totalitarianism continued existence. He introduces "thought police" and says that in order to achieve stability of the system, to avoid disappointment, you need the help of "thought police" to learn the most detailed and hard to control yourself thoughts of every person.
He was partly right. So for the time being would be to keep the system. But there is a "but." The fact that in this case also, we are not talking about the real evolution, but only about conservation dream that rotted (when a new person) and which are corrupted form appeared cemented all-powerful machine that was designed to realize the dream. Accordingly, no new evolyutsionovanoyi and improved quality of society and economy at the same time can not be, and that all available resources will proyidatysya enormous organizational, material efforts to find "dumkozlodiyiv" and their "fix." Finally, as properly natyakayetsya in the novel (permanent reduction in food deterioration whole life), the system will go to samovysnazhennya and self-destruction.
Real USSR unlike Oceania of Orwell books simply rotted inside after being in the 60's and 70's it became evident that no new morality, "superman" and communism will not. In this ceased to believe even the most senior members of the party itself punitive apparatus. The idea rotted and rotted all the apparatus that it had to implement. And despite the fact that he had not simply reduce the power, and under these conditions the contrary, as in Orwell, increase capacity, because the number of "dumkozlodiyiv" quickly grew. And finally all the riding USSR with all state and punitive apparatus and all the people were "dumkozlodiyamy." Nobody believed in what was done and the purpose for which it was done. And when the system is, in consequence light breeze from the cracks "Iron Curtain", began to collapse like a card house, no one in the Soviet Union and not povoruhnuv finger to save the dead do not need formal communist shell. And all this totalitarian system maintained by the state, whose image is cited in other fear disappeared quietly, quietly, and in a few seconds as the state itself. In its place emerged the state back to the old as mankind, the principle of national cultural differences.
Bitterly disappointed in totalitarianism and authoritarianism (simpleton shadow of totalitarianism), humanity, including the post-totalitarian state, doomed returned to democracy, capitalism and moral rods "civil society", if any. Other variants of humanity simply not seen. This depressed and desperate hopelessness concluded in 1947 speaking in Parliament, Prime Minister Winston Churchill: "I often have heard that democracy - the worst way to control the state, but all the other ways that mankind has ever tried to worse" . The same can be said about capitalism. Although forced choice capitalism Winston Churchill obhrutnuvav differently: "The main flaw of capitalism - the unequal distribution of wealth, and the main positive socialism - even distribution of misery."
 Such a thinker and an expert on our internal nature, as Sigmund Freud just could not find a way out of the trap and skeptical about the possibility of saving humanity from this trap. He could offer except that "cosmetic" means like "psychoanalytic therapy and properly organized socialization" of people, who, it seems, did not particularly believe.
Trap - unmet need in the internal evolution, the compensation gap with external evolution persists, and as I wrote only becomes critical acuity that can not last long. Moreover, after totalitarianism and other minor failed attempts this need becomes more experienced. Not bought on regular fantasy, such as the fact that the so-called indigo children are the "new" evolyutsionovanu race people and similar stories psevdoevolyutsiyi. This need no longer believe in the possibility of training a "new man" that will make "new society" in the version of totalitarianism or in versions Erich Fromm and other "good" "utopian thinkers."
But in reality there is. But not so, which dream romance that believe in the victory of good and reasonable principle in the current person. No, I'm talking about a real solution for survival. Although generally there are three.

3. Our options
The first is the simplest and awkward - suicide by nuclear, chemical, biological or other weapons, or some "unexpected" human disaster. As I said trap gap between the inner core and the outer material evolution has long been made of us a monkey with a grenade. In fact, this path is suicide, "minus".
The second way is a little complicated and too unpromising. Do not commit suicide, but only "to suppress." With the same weapons of total war or something else, to destroy in varying degrees, all of the existing world, social structure, economy and so on. And these fragments start over, or at least on the level at which we reject ourselves. The path is not as deadly as the previous one, but not progressive, because essentially it is a repetition of the same path that has been only in the new version, but without qualitative changes. In fact it is rebooting, running in circles, cycles, "zero."
The third way - finally make real evolution, "plus". Albert Einstein once claimed that "we need a radically new way of thinking that humanity has survived." And help us in the new manner of thinking really can not hope for millions of years of natural evolution in the internal external new conditions and relatively fast artificial evolution of man himself of his inner self, psychology, and eventually the body.
It is now becoming increasingly clear that this internal change will be using scientific technology that will perform and record changes at the genetic level, or perhaps even once. But these changes will actually (and not as in totalitarianism) controlled and those that will be edited society in one way or another. Over time, these changes will take certain strategic direction humanity outline what it wants, who wants to improve, remove or add the inner nature of man. These guidelines will be chosen according to economic, political, military, medical and other appropriate, including taking into account the need to reduce crime and so on.
Gradually, after getting some positive results, these changes will affect critical enough set of people that will change, evolve all the society further, including offering new levels of social structure, economy, politics, culture and more. Perhaps that will change the way not only our internal psychological parameters, but also intelligent and very body. Moreover, do not rule out a genetic "modernization" of man will begin with the body (life expectancy, the elimination of most diseases, perhaps correction of reproduction, etc.).
Basically now we see a number of signs that scenario. I will not repeat a lot of recent research results in this direction. This can be read anywhere. Note that both of these impressive results, the world's growing number of supporters of intervention, change human nature at the genetic level. While this is mostly a narrow circle of intellectuals (scientists, philosophers, astronomers, etc.) which are known as "transhumanisty." And their ideas will gain political relevance as long as practicable and useful for the economy, politics, health, security and other systems of society will not be proved experimentally by scientists, and need to move in this direction will not be approved to a certain critical mass of society. But pass this saving way we can just make it.
What is. The first two ways, actually, though each in his make out the "end of history" of mankind, or more accurately, "beast-men." Although the specifics of the second path is that it is unstable and can both always be in a cyclic mode and end in the first or third option. But only a third way gives new perspectives societies formations, relations, and follow the story.
Which way we go? It is not known, despite the fact that many pointing to the first option. But before you go any of these ways, we will probably still be a small chance to stretch in the state in which we are now. So technically, we may still be able to develop something without going into any of the ways. Including the social evolution possible attempt to make "cosmetic surgery" through additional deepening of forced social and political differentiation among people.
What I have in mind. For example, now you can prevent educate children chronic alcoholics and drug addicts. It is also forbidden to elect government entities to 18-21 years (as elsewhere). In some countries, there are other limitations. But I think that the attempt to somehow "cosmetic" prolong the existence of our world in its present form will result in the expansion of various social constraints and therefore scientifically, politically, economically, socially grounded privileges to others. This includes training new people and to participate in the organization of government, elections, etc.. May be administered to other restrictions that anyway, will try timidly to build some small features socially fixed and recognized social inequality, hierarchy.
I do not exclude that humanity once again come to rake "psevdoevolyutsiyi" zlipyvshy together all idle is junk. I mean both the above "cosmetic" measures and vysokohumannu "socialization" and upgraded totalitarianism, at least in the form of a "world government", which will extend its monopoly will (of course, the name of a great purpose - to save mankind) all state of the world. Regarding the latter, the idea of ​​these "rake" gives information about the recommendations announced in June 2012 at the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro on Sustainable Development. They released a report more than thirty scientists from leading universities 13 countries (March 16, this year it was published in the online edition of "Science» (Science). Reports devoted 10 years of evaluation capacity of international organizations to address only environmental issues (including the climate). Scientists have found that in order to protect themselves from disaster "humanity must change course," so you need to radically strengthen international institutions. So it is essentially about the prospects of 'strong global arms "world government that will govern many issues ( economy, the environment, weapons, technology and so on) life all over the world. Formally, it may look like a "government scientists", "wise" who "save humanity." But really, it's nothing fundamentally solve and under sink all faults thinking "beast-men" and therefore not only shall lead us back from the brink, but may accelerate it.
Any, even scientifically substantiated and motivated "salvation of mankind" external compulsion upon the nature of man completely hopeless and in today's dangerous. But it would be a shame if in order to understand this, humanity once again have to pay a high price. In addition, this price may be far greater than the price totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century and perhaps posthumously.
To me, any attempt yet somehow extend outwardly "nice" to increase the gap between the evolution, nothing radically changing the very nature of man, resembling a modern development of medicine. When she tuzhytsya, tuzhytsya makes fantastic innovations to prolong life, but really only continues to a maximum of "healthy" part of the continued life span for which medicine can not affect. That life expectancy reaches 80-90 years, but ... It does nothing radically. Not lengthened life expectancy, age and duration. In 70 years, man would still be living if she 70, and not when she was 30 or 40. And the reason to live in a period of 80-120 years highly conditional, doubtful, "philosophical" and has some useful practical significance for mankind. In this case, the current approach medicine for external treatment of the body to increase the real life impossible. As recognized one of the founders of The Gerontology Research Group, the world famous association of scientists concerned with longevity, MD Stephen Coles, "it seems that the genome level, there is an invisible barrier that prevents Homo Sapiens live longer than 125 years."
Similarly, attempts to further improve the external world (social, material) in our trap is "cosmetic" measures only pull us "cheeks", remove wrinkles, make gloss, give a false illusion of control, but really did not solve. We - the old ones. Current status is age of mankind, we just keep it the end of history "beast-men." Do not change for the better and nothing new will. Nothing ... except death or, at best, a return to the past. If, of course, we do not have time to pull themselves out of the trap in the same way that drove - using his own intelligence to change nature. Only now - inside.
But still there are those who think that democracy, modern "social" capitalism and "human rights" in their current "humane" form will lead humanity to continue through the millennium. If you're among them, you - utopian, and I'm not talking to you.

4. Nuances "third" way
What happens if we still go a third way? I do not rule out that because of some fatal errors it may also result in the transition to the first or the second way. But there is one fundamental point. This is the only way that is "active", provides a linear, directed evolution, which is guided by the man himself, or rather the human mind, not the world of wild natural internal laws of mind, instincts or foreign laws wildlife. That is the only way that will be monitored by intelligence, namely Meanwhile quality that has got us this far in the external social and material evolution of our natural environment.
Therefore, as demonstrated external evolution, while the third, "active" version, despite the inevitable mistakes, we have a better chance not just to save himself, eliminating the gap between domestic and wild natural world outside antypryrodnym and continue to improve their lives (this time and both internal and external), significantly increase their chances of survival and all further development, whatever it is we uyavlyavsya.
What will happen to the remnants of the external and internal nature, I do not know. For external nature, however, only the first option, ie self-destruction of mankind is a "plus" that depends on it, and accordingly has any future. World Conservation Union, the International Botanical Congress, and most biologists in the world believe that global mass extinction of biological species on the planet already underway. In 1998, the campaign sociological Harris Poll found that of 5,000 members of the American Institute of Biological Sciences 70% believe that it is being what they call "The Sixth Extinction".
Both other ways threaten mankind naturally be dependent on the mercy of a person from its decisions, successes and mistakes. An interesting and tragic opposite interdependence. The inner nature of man, all those animal instincts, emotions, thinking too will defend, oppose intervention in them. Maybe they also retain as certain internal psychological "reserves", "zoo" for fun.
If we still have time to reach awareness need to move to the third way, before discard or destroy themselves at some distant level will be useful to us in three basic aspects that need to swallow a pill.
The first aspect. It is important to remember that the history of humanity and the totalitarianism of the twentieth century, in particular, have shown the need to "flip" scheme. The first step is to think how to evolve the person, and then new people have evolved outside world. It suits a saying that you can use in a democracy: each nation has its own government. That is the whole point, the nature of external life, comes from the inner nature of man, and not vice versa inner nature of man - from the external social, economic structure, as thought the Communists. Of course everything is interconnected, and carries out mutual influence, but decisive, dominant in the time span of a hundred years is the man himself, not the environment. First, because of certain circumstances, a monkey under constant external vivo increased intelligence and then she started to change the environment, not vice versa - someone artificially changed the environment and society in an unusual monkey turned to man. More confused the order we can not. Too painful mistake.
The second aspect. Should cease to pray for "human rights" in their current form. These rights have become an icon, a sacred fetish fanaticism democracy and modern capitalism. I understand that most people are scared to leave this icon, because it seems that nothing "holy" and left to come some hell. But if you're not naive romance, you can understand that if such fear would be stronger than our self-love, then God forbid that we went only to "running in circles" second path. But it may end in suicide. Democracy and "human rights" can not be an end in itself and self-worth. V.Cherchyl was on his right, but he just did not see another option. He looked at what was in and out of the contemporary conditions that prevented technical feasibility of evolving man. But do not think that most would agree on the fact that his words were soon epitaph on the grave of mankind.
The third aspect. If we change the inner nature of man as well as a changed environment, no action "against God" we do not. Nothing sinful and wrong. At least, the old shaman tens of thousands of years ago also said that attempts to subdue the power of lightning, or possession of fire is encroaching on the "scope of God." I do not think it would be better he would think of our mobile phone or poultry. No, we have long escaped this prejudice about "the scope of God" and change the whole outside world, including the nature of the way we need. Otherwise we would not have what we have now.
If anyone think that this is wrong ... Maybe. But, in this case not to disturb the harmony with nature and God, we ought to stand on its own level with animals, naked in the wild woods, where there is natural selection.
The inner world as well as external, not created by us and intervention, change it as initially frightening as the first external changes, but ... We - though the beast-men, not animals and live in harmony with the inner or outer world, not possible reworking it for themselves, or unezalezhnyvshys what can not be changed or dangerous, it is not our choice. Unfortunately or fortunately.
And he who believes that man evolyutsionovanyy inner wild world will be boring or scary .. Well, I do not know ... And asphalt than grass? And all of our external world, compared with the wild nature of our ancestors did not boring and terrible? But he likes us so that we all strive every moment to make it still more technically, socially comfortable for us and far from the natural environment and "boring". And no one, except some "crazy" (as most of their calls) will not voluntarily return to the "interesting" life in an interesting natural environment devoid of evolutionary reached people forget.
Most people do not feel unnatural, human comfort and social environment that we evolved artificially unacceptable for us. On the contrary, most people feel that evolution took place correctly and it should continue to make it even easier, more comfortable, safer, and so on. Grows only "psychosis" through the gap savage inner world and outer evolution. We can not satisfy the domestic, wild, neevolyutsionovanyy world. Growing demand Mendeleev and Newton inner wild world.
The last thing I would venture to predict if our transition to the third way will then be catalyzed before some big shocks, such as war or even a man-made disaster and will be held as usual is not very smooth. Many people will be categorically against "evolution of people." Do not rule out opposition supporters and opponents of evolution, or is the most "evolyutsionovanyh" and "beast-men." In what ways will this conflict and who wins - a dark forest of fantasy. Do not go there now. We have much to do today.

Note: We always use the word evolution. However, in reality this is not true. In fact, it is about selection. What is the difference. Basically nothing substantial. And here and there purposefully selected some money and destroyed others in the name of a certain goal - improvement, improvement. The only difference in the "customer" - for someone better and better and believe that this improvement. If nature, if environmental conditions and requirements it some improvements that are selected and controlled by nature, if it is a human need and then selects and controls in an external human social and material world (or in the future - the inner psychological world and body) the same person. This whole difference. But because of changing customer methods do not change, I used the term evolution, not selection, which has a subjective reason for many not so positive color.